1. Used for testing oxygen sufficiency or explosive gases in compartments. 6 – 10% No flame Less rapid collapse – recovery with prompt treatment.
2. The flame of the lamp indicates by its action the presence or absence of sufficient oxygen to support life. In addition, the flame is affected by explosive gases. 10 – 16% No flame Possible collapse but seldom fatal.
3. If action of flame indicates that there are explosive gases, the lamp should be carefully removed and a closer check made with an explosive meter.
CAUTION: If there’s possibility of air containing acetylene or hydrogen the flame safety lamp should not be used.
16 – 18% Dim flame
18 – 21% Increasing flame
21% Bright flame
Lowered efficiency but usually no collapse.
Efficiency slightly below par.
Air is normal.
  Action of Flame Condition of Air
4. Fuel for lamp is unleaded gasoline or naphtha. Goes out rapidly Lack of oxygen for combustion.
5. Lamp should always be kept in a vertical position. Don’t move lamp suddenly from side to side or up and down. Move it slowly to prevent ignition of explosive gases. Goes out with slight “Pop” Concentration of explosive gases.
  Flares up brightly Lean concentration of explosive gases.
  Flares up and goes out Rich concentration of explosive gases.
  Anytime the flame changes from its normal height and condition remove lamp cautiously and check the air with an explosive meter.  

% Oxygen Effect on lamp Effect on you
0 – 1% No flame Almost immediate death.
0 – 6% No flame Rapid collapse – death is from 6 – 8 minutes.