PRECAUTIONS which should be observed in the operation of Arc welding and cutting equipment are as follows:
- Before starting operations, the operator shall make certain that the welding machine frame is grounded, that neither terminal of the welding generator is bonded to the frame of the welder, and that all electrical connections are securely made. The work connection should be attached firmly to the work, not merely laid loosely upon it.
- Whenever it is practicable, the operator should stand on dry wooden mats or similar insulating material rather than on grounded metal structure.
- Whenever it can be avoided, welding operators should not work alone in compartments. Immediate care of an operator who has received an electric shock may prevent serious injury.
- Operators should always wear a welder’s jacket or sleeves and apron while welding. Helmets and hand shields should be fitted with the proper filter and cover lenses.
- Always wear gloves when handling energized holders, cables, or machines and when removing or replacing electrodes. The gloves should be dry and in good condition.
- Use only fully insulated electrode holders that are in good condition.
- Never permit the metal part of an electrode or the electrode holder to touch either the bare skin or any damp clothing which the operator may be wearing.
- Do not put an energized holder under the arm at any time. If an insulated surface or insulated holding peg is not available, remove the electrode and lay the insulated holder on the deck or other adjacent object.
- When the operator has occasion to leave his work or stop work for any appreciable time, the power supply switch to the equipment should be opened. The equipment should be completely disconnected from the source of power when not in use.
- Workers or other persons adjacent to the areas in which welding is carried on should be adequately protected form the rays of the arc by screens, goggles, or other suitable means.
- When welding is carried on in a space which is entirely screened on all sides, the screens should be so arranged that they will clear the deck by several inches and have a minimum of restriction to ventilation carrying off the fumes and smoke from the operation.
- Where conditions are crowded and operators are working close to other personnel, special care should be taken by the welding operator to insure that the electrode and holder do not touch nearby occupants of the compartment while welding is in progress. Also, the operator should place the electrode holder, when it is energized but not in use, where it will not be contacted by other personnel.
- When using portable machines, care should be taken to see that the primary supply cables are separately laid and to not become entangled with welding supply cable.
- When a cable (either work lead or electrode lead) becomes worn, exposing bare conductors, the exposed portion shall be protected by means of rubber and friction tapes or equivalent protection.
- Welding cables should be kept dry where practicable, and free from grease and oil, to prevent breakdown of the insulation.
- When it becomes necessary to carry cables some distance from the machines, they should be substantially supported overhead, if practicable to a distance within 20 feet of the work. If this cannot be done, and cables are laid on deck they should be protected in such a manner that they will not be damaged or interfere with safe passage of personnel. Special care should be taken to see that welding supply cables are not in proximity to power supply cables or high tension wires.
- Welding equipment should be maintained in good mechanical and electrical condition to avoid unnecessary hazards. Commutators should be kept clean to prevent excessive flashing.
- Welding equipment used in the open should be protected from inclement weather conditions. When not in use, the equipment should be stored in a clean, dry place.
- Electrical power circuits, whether AC or DC, high or low voltage, are a potential source of danger. The only way to be safe is to handle any electric circuit with extreme caution. The danger of shock is particularly marked when the operator is sweaty or wet. Operators should develop the habit of always keeping their bodies insulated from the work and the metal electrode and holder.
- Before any welding will be performed the work will be authorized by the head of department and the officer of the deck shall be informed of the location of the welding in progress.
- Safety precautions and operating instructions shall be posted in the vicinity of the welding machine.
The Engineer Officer will be responsible for instructing and familiarizing operating personnel and all members of the ship’s company in above listed precautions, and in the danger inherent in all electrical equipment.